What’s your talent? – Pt.2

Updated on August 16, 2017 in Discussions
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31 on May 1, 2015

Hello all!

Due to the continued interest of the top-topic of the forum and the state of utter chaos it resides in, I’m opening part 2!

Part 1: http://oldforum.brackeys.com/thread/whats-your-talent/

Here you can share what you’re good at, or not good at.
It’s always interesting to see the differences between people.

As I said in the previous topic, I’m good at coding.
I made my own networking for my multiplayer game using sockets.
What about you guys?

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0 on October 28, 2015

Cool question.
I guess my talent is game design; sketching down mechanics and finding out fun ways for the player to interact with the environment. That’s also the main reason I’m teaching myself to code; I honestly really need it to express my ideas. If I can’t put my ideas down anywhere I start to get depressed, so one of the things I look forward to the most is being able to code prototypes relatively easily. 🙂

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1 on October 28, 2015

I’d like to think of myself as kind of intermediate
Im terrible at math though, so I probably complicate things sometimes when coding 😛
[Unity Editor]
I know my way around the editor pretty good by now

I always end up hating all the art I make, but I can make simple(ugly) stuff in Photoshop and Maya
[Game Design]
My games always end up too easy and kind of boring 😛
I love coming up with game mechanics but I cant really balance them.

on October 26, 2016

hi master xD can u teach me C# hehehe im beginner dude i just like coding

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0 on October 29, 2015

I’m pretty decent when it comes to creative side of programming and design!

Background: I’ve been a web developer since I very early age and learnt PHP, JavaScript. I’ve developed many layouts for sites with HTML5 and developed applications that hold large chunks of data with PHP.

I’m fairly new in the gaming area. I’ve been improving my C# skills and making neat little games after each tutorials I’ve watched from Brackeys. I’m fairly decent when It comes to art and designing as well. 🙂

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0 on November 8, 2015

I’m originally a Video Editor then a Motion Designer but also a Music Producer.
I’m quite a nag for details, very curious and I love doing cool shit.

Just starting out with C# and Unity, I’ve always learned things by trying hard… been feeding on tutorials for ages now and I’m not about to stop.

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0 on November 8, 2015

I guess you could say my talent is coding. But I still have to learn loads of new stuff and I guess I am never really done with that. But my answer in your question would then be coding 🙂

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2 on November 8, 2015

My father was a painter and at a young age I found I had a disposition for drawing. I have been doing it my whole life. My father was also a guitarist and I took to that very easily. Unfortunately with these “talents” I had I was horrible at school. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I realized that I was looking at everything wrong. That is when I got into accelerated learning. I taught myself a bunch of fun stuff. I learned that any of us can do anything. It’s a matter of passion, perseverance and belief. 

People tell me it’s rare to be an artist and be able to program. I don’t agree. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. In that sense I don’t call it talent. I like to look at it as a disposition to do cool things. 

IF I can learn how to code. Everyone here that is working at it can do it too. And you probably have some disposition that will make you better at it than me! And then I can learn some cool new ways to think from you.

on November 8, 2015

Nice, what a cool fresh look at life!

on November 8, 2015

That are some really nice and deep thoughts

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1 on December 7, 2015

nothing *cries in a cornor*

on December 7, 2015

Ah come on!
It’s very likely there’s something you’re better at than me.

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0 on December 27, 2015

well… im kinda the “overall” skilled person, not very good in anything but can handle anything… a bit…

if we look at code languages i would say im better at coding, C, java (a bit) and C# (bit more then java…bit…) and then comes unity <3 (total noob..)

graphicaly speaking i would say im noob with HD textures or epic 3D models, lets say i can make minecraft + 10 polygons

map making? fuck this shit im out, if i can make a plain and a cube, that my map! (i always ask a friend to make one, i just have to resize and transform in unity, aaaand discover weird glitches)

thats my… talent? yea! my biggest talent is breaking the beta versions!

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0 on December 27, 2015

Coding, pixel art/animation, and map design!

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0 on January 4, 2016

I’m able to speak very well spanish and french a bit less english.I’ve got a lot of ideas but not so much knowledge.I’m good in design and create music background not at all in scripting :'(

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