Hi I need help to make gameobjects. What software can I download?
I assume you mean 3D models? I’ve made a video on what software to pick, check it out here. If you want to use a free program I suggest you check out Blender, download it here 🙂
I downloaded blender but  I don’t know how to use it. Do you do any tutorials on blender? Or do you know of any good ones?Â
The site looks great by the way 😀
Based off Brackey’s post, for 2D assets, you can use Adobe Flash (paid), GIMP, (free), or Photoshop (paid). All of these programs are great, but I am sure there are many other people who know more!
Pyxel Edit (http://pyxeledit.com) is great for anyone interested in using pixel art for their 2D Unity project.  It’s great for making Sprites, Tilesets, and Animations.  The paid version is only $9, so its always an option for a hobbyist. 🙂  I group it with the Tiled Map Editor (http://www.mapeditor.org) to make my levels and Tiled2Unity (http://www.seanba.com/introtiled2unity.html) to import the levels into Unity as one Prefab, complete with collisions.
Blender is an great Programm and its free. But you have to look many tutorials. I think handle it is not easy because the most thinks are used with shortcuts.
Hi there!! If you are talking about 2D assets I would recomend Gimp and for 3D I recommend Blender. Both of them are really good and free, not easy to learn though.
Here are some youtube channels with tutorials for Blender:
https://www.youtube.com/user/tutor4u (Very Begginer)
https://www.youtube.com/user/AndrewPPrice (Intermidiate to Advanced)
For Gimp I don’t know any goos channel but if you search a bit you will find 😉 Good luck
It’s amazing how many people help me. Thank you all :-). And its hard enough to remember brackeys tutorials and now I have to watch more! Well brackeys isn’t that hard to remember.
For 2D I use SketchBook Pro.  I have Photoshop, but I find SBP much faster and easier to use and I’m able to bang them out fairly quickly… of course, having a Wacom Cintiq 24″ pen display helps with that 😉   For 3D, I used to use Animation Master…  but I’m looking at trying out Blender…  I’ve tried it int he past, but nothing very serious.