what software can i download to create gameobjects?

Updated on July 31, 2014 in [A] Modeling
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17 on July 20, 2014

Hi I need help to make gameobjects. What software can I download?

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4 on July 20, 2014

I assume you mean 3D models? I’ve made a video on what software to pick, check it out here. If you want to use a free program I suggest you check out Blender, download it here 🙂

on July 20, 2014

I’ll check it our right now thank you 🙂

on July 20, 2014

I downloaded blender but  I don’t know how to use it. Do you do any tutorials on blender? Or do you know of any good ones? 

The site looks great by the way 😀

on July 20, 2014

here http://cgcookie.com/blender/ you could find some tips and stuff or just search youtube

on July 30, 2014

Here’s a great beginner’s course in Blender: http://www.gamefromscratch.com/page/Complete-Blender-Game-Art-Tutorial-From-zero-experience-to-2D-or-3D-game-ready-asset.aspx

you could also check Udemy, there’s a lot of good courses on there.

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3 on July 20, 2014

Based off Brackey’s post, for 2D assets, you can use Adobe Flash (paid), GIMP, (free), or Photoshop (paid). All of these programs are great, but I am sure there are many other people who know more!

on July 20, 2014

GIMP and Photoshop are definitely standard for pixel graphics. For vector designs I would go Illustrator 🙂

on July 30, 2014

I’ve heard Inkscape is really good for Vector art

on July 30, 2014

Pyxel Edit (http://pyxeledit.com) is great for anyone interested in using pixel art for their 2D Unity project.  It’s great for making Sprites, Tilesets, and Animations.  The paid version is only $9, so its always an option for a hobbyist. 🙂  I group it with the Tiled Map Editor (http://www.mapeditor.org) to make my levels and Tiled2Unity (http://www.seanba.com/introtiled2unity.html) to import the levels into Unity as one Prefab, complete with collisions.

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2 on July 20, 2014

Blender is an great Programm and its free. But you have to look many tutorials. I think handle it is not easy because the most thinks are used with shortcuts.

on July 21, 2014

You’re rigth, learning shortcuts isn’t easy!! But once you get it is easier to work with!

on July 22, 2014

that’s right. but is hard to learn

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0 on July 21, 2014

Hi there!! If you are talking about 2D assets I would recomend Gimp and for 3D I recommend Blender. Both of them are really good and free, not easy to learn though.

Here are some youtube channels with tutorials for Blender:

https://www.youtube.com/user/tutor4u (Very Begginer)
https://www.youtube.com/user/AndrewPPrice (Intermidiate to Advanced)

For Gimp I don’t know any goos channel but if you search a bit you will find 😉 Good luck

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1 on July 21, 2014

It’s amazing how many people help me. Thank you all :-). And its hard enough to remember brackeys tutorials and now I have to watch more! Well brackeys isn’t that hard to remember.

on July 30, 2014

Try not to spread yourself too thin. I have a bad habit of doing that -_-

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0 on July 30, 2014

Definitely recommend blender for 3D models. I learned all of the shortcuts in less than 2 days so don’t be too intimidated at first 🙂 paint.net is a good software very similar to photoshop.

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0 on July 31, 2014

For 2D I use SketchBook Pro.  I have Photoshop, but I find SBP much faster and easier to use and I’m able to bang them out fairly quickly… of course, having a Wacom Cintiq 24″ pen display helps with that 😉    For 3D, I used to use Animation Master…  but I’m looking at trying out Blender…  I’ve tried it int he past, but nothing very serious.

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