Hi brothers,
After releasing 1 asset on the Asset Store which got mediocre success… 😛 it’s time to create something BIG!
I have always learned A LOT from the Brackeys 🙂 so to support the dev assets, the Lite version of the upcoming asset will be available on the devassets as well 🙂
Since the release of THE MOST amazing mobile game Dead Trigger 1 / 2 I am wondering how did they come up with this kinda amazing AI for their zombies (walk, run, crawl, jump, climb, attack, hear, search, react, etc) on Mobile Platform….
So I did a LOT of research and figured it out how to make something similar (yay ) and make it public so that everyone, everywhere, anytime can make anything they have ever thought of making with zombies without struggling too much!!
So guys, from a few weeks I am creating this Asset called uzAI (ultimate zombie artificial intelligence). It is still pretty much in the WIP stage!
It is working out pretty good and my plan is to develop uzAI in upcoming months and release it between Christmas and New Year
Here’s a few short GIFs to show you my progress till now :
1. Before adding a humanoid model and working with the Off Mesh Links
2. After Adding Unity’s Robot Kyle and Unity’s Stealth Tut Animations
Since, I don’t have any jump / climb animations as of now I am not able to test the OffMesh Links for the Humanoid Character but as you can see in the 1st GIF the logic is pretty much ready
3.Waypoint Editing in the Editor
I will be making it more friendly but my first priority is to develop the core of the AI!
And here’s the Unity Forum thread as well 🙂
Unity Forum
Feel free to drop suggestions / corrections / questions. I will be more then happy to reply to you guys!
Thanks for reading!
Walled City Infotech