Tutorial Ideas – Multiple

Updated on January 14, 2019 in Tutorial Ideas
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13 on May 17, 2018

Other people feel free to comment on any other good tutorial ideas you would like to see from Brackeys.

Bow and arrow tutorial – 1st or 3rd person would be cool. I’ve seen some out there. This subject could use a Brackeys touch lol.


Leveling/Skill Tree system – I wouldn’t suggest a huge one but really just the basics of setting one up. I believe Unity has one of these but, it is geared more for an FPS. One more geared toward an adventure/RPG would be awesome. (Level up, get points, spend points, gain epic skillz)


Dialogue System V2 (Choices) – I loved the dialogue tutorial, so much so I went on to expand it to include choices. Not saying that I’d particularly benefit from this tutorial but, I think it is a necessity in a lot of games. 


Dialogue System V3 (Light/Dark) – this would build off of the choices tutorial, and have the choices have a benefit / consequence or add to a character’s light/dark points


Crafting System – I saw the Ludum Dare video where you made a crafting system. It looked awesome, how did you make it? It would be cool to see this done.


RTS game series– I know this would be super complex but, it would be totally awesome to see you do this.


Machine Learning Tutorial – I’ve seen that Unity now supports ML agents. It would be awesome to see how that is done.


These are just some ideas that I come up with off the fly. I may add more later.



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  • Asidic
0 on May 17, 2018


Here is some more ideas

Inventory System and Hotbar – I was wondering if you could have a whole series dedicated to knowing and understanding and I would like it to be for an FPS game.  It would also have extra things like a hotbar from minecraft and other things.  It would be great if you could make one, but if not, then could you recommend some videos that have an inventory system really close and similar to minecraft because that is what I’m trying to aim for.  I would like it so I can Change weapons and resources by using the scroll wheel on a mouse or using number on the key board.  Lots of other videos are confusing.

3D Space Ship like in No Man’s Sky – I would like to make a game with a space ship in it and it would probably inspire other ideas in people to do other things like that.

Again Crafting System! – I really love the crafting idea and I really want (need actually) to implement that into my game!  

  • Liked by
0 on May 21, 2018

One other I thought of would be good is an NPC Shop tutorial. You already have an Inventory and Intractable script written out from the RPG series, just give a tutorial on inheritance and create an NPC shop system that would take in game money and give the user an item in their inventory.


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0 on August 23, 2018

I just want to bring this post back to the top so people can take a look at this topic some more.  I think these are great ideas and these should be turned into tutorials!  I got another idea here.

Third-Person Camera and Controller – I would like to make a game with a with a third-person controller and camera that you can move around your player or target.

  • Liked by
0 on August 25, 2018

2D sprites lightning and shadows

It would be awesome to create such effects in Unity!
Something like this, maybe, even smoother:

  • Liked by
0 on August 28, 2018

1. How to local save game progress
2. How to make shaders and effects (reflecting surfaces, transluscent objects, etc)
3. Some practical tutorials like how to brainstorm new game ideas
-Will add more as they come in mind

  • Liked by
0 on September 4, 2018

Minecraft or Subnautica Inventory System – How to make an inventory system like minecraft or subnautica. 

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2 on September 4, 2018

Minecraft or Subnautica Inventory System – How to make an inventory system like minecraft or subnautica. 

on January 7, 2019

I would like to see a Subnautica inventory system… 

on January 11, 2019

Yes!  I also though a inventory system like No Man’s Sky would be a cool idea too! (An inventory system in general would be great to know!)

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3 on January 11, 2019

As Brackeys won’t be reading this thread I suggest you join the official Brackeys Discord Server found at: https://discord.gg/brackeys where a channel #video-suggestions exist. In that channel you can post video suggestions. Suggestions with most upvotes (counted every month) will get forwarded directly to Brackeys.

on January 11, 2019

Why is there a tutorial suggestion section then on this forum?

on January 11, 2019

It used to be looked over (I’m not sure), but this forum is a mess RN, it’s very outdated, unsecure and full of spammers (we are working on one, maybe I’ll make a pinned post to show the progress on it). And I think that Brackeys doesn’t look here for video suggestions anymore.

on January 14, 2019

I can’t wait till he finishes making his new forum


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