Other people feel free to comment on any other good tutorial ideas you would like to see from Brackeys.
Bow and arrow tutorial – 1st or 3rd person would be cool. I’ve seen some out there. This subject could use a Brackeys touch lol.
Leveling/Skill Tree system – I wouldn’t suggest a huge one but really just the basics of setting one up. I believe Unity has one of these but, it is geared more for an FPS. One more geared toward an adventure/RPG would be awesome. (Level up, get points, spend points, gain epic skillz)
Dialogue System V2 (Choices) – I loved the dialogue tutorial, so much so I went on to expand it to include choices. Not saying that I’d particularly benefit from this tutorial but, I think it is a necessity in a lot of games.
Dialogue System V3 (Light/Dark) – this would build off of the choices tutorial, and have the choices have a benefit / consequence or add to a character’s light/dark points
Crafting System – I saw the Ludum Dare video where you made a crafting system. It looked awesome, how did you make it? It would be cool to see this done.
RTS game series– I know this would be super complex but, it would be totally awesome to see you do this.
Machine Learning Tutorial – I’ve seen that Unity now supports ML agents. It would be awesome to see how that is done.
These are just some ideas that I come up with off the fly. I may add more later.