
Updated on March 10, 2018 in  [S] Works in progress
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14 on January 24, 2018

Yo Remember me? Me neither. But I am back with a potentially good game. It is a topdown shooter that I started working on. it’s still in super duper beta right now but i want you to check it out.

HERE download size is less then 5MB.

You will need winrar or something to unarchive.

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  • bennie3211
1 on January 29, 2018

Yo Yo Yo Update

No one came to this topic but please check it out and let me know what you think. I am not a programmer but more of a designer. I use playmaker for scripting it is easier.

Anyways I have made some huge changes from the build 3 I am now at build 8

Download here(35MB). WebPlayer comming soon.

on February 1, 2018

If you could get a web version out soon that would be great, many people (or at least me) don’t like downloading stuff all the time. So I think you could get a lot more feedback and testers/players if you make it available on the web.

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0 on January 31, 2018

OK No one has even replied so far. But I am still going to post. Please download the game and just try it. In this version I put a pause menu, a way to restart and exit the level. Instructions for control. A health system for the player.



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0 on February 6, 2018

So a webGl version will not be possible because the lighting settings that I used in this game looks totally bad compared to normal .exe builds and some things don’t even render. So Sorry for those who have bad internet. I also try my best to compress the files to minimum size before uploading. Thanks

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0 on February 12, 2018

Downloade your game but its not working,unityplayer.dll file is missing in the rar file


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0 on February 22, 2018

Ok. Sorry for the mistake> I forgot to put in the dll file that Rohan mentioned. Now It is better and I also fixed some bugs, and there is a new map.

Download here 56MB. No web player is coming sorry if you were expecting that.

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0 on February 24, 2018

Ok So i have been working on a way to make health packs and also make energy regenerate faster. By going under th charging stations shown below, energy regenerates faster.Screenshot_6
Screenshot_5Screenshot_7DOWNLOAD RAR (74.3MB)

Let me know if you want a more lightweight version without all the fancy lighting.

Things I will be working on for the next versions.

  • Sound
  • Level design : A new playable level where puzzles that need to be solved.
  • Better lighting
  • More textures in the levels
  • customization of the cross-hair (the cross used to aim)

Please download the game, check it out and let me know what you think and how I can improve it or what can I add. Thanks in advance.

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0 on February 24, 2018

Like max said, not a lot of people like downloading 50mb files to test stuff. I cant have a feel for the game mechanics but for the appearance, I like the bloom and the models look decent. hopefully you will update the UI to match them. goodluck.

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1 on February 26, 2018

played your game the emmisive lights on materials is good 

but your controls needs little more tweking its not that smooth and you must move the camera little more foward where the player is facing,the last guy at the end of large room we cannot see him properly.

keep up the good work

my best regards as a beginner game developer


on March 10, 2018

thanks a lot man.

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1 on February 26, 2018

if you have time try this game i developed

on March 10, 2018

I played it. Its cool, but it needs improvement on the health diaplsy, And the fore mechanic, because if I hold left click, it works as intended, but if I repeatedly click, i can fore as many bullets as I want. And 2 bullets per second is way too slow, More fire rate. pls. Nice overall. Keep it up.

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1 on February 26, 2018

I think you should either remove the crosshair or the yellow line of aim, there’s not point in keeping them both

on March 10, 2018

if I removed the cross-hair, you wold not know exactly where you are pointing, If I removed the lazer, you would not know for sure if your bullet would hit. So they should be kept.

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