store input +, * or / for an calculation.

Updated on December 30, 2019 in [A] C# .Net
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2 on December 29, 2019

I’ve searched around for this, it’s probably very common question but getting back to programming and not sure what to search for.


What I want to do is let let user to input addition, subtraction, multiplication or division and store this for an calculation.


is it possible to parse a string with only an arithmetic value to an int somehow?


or do I need to create an if statement or another switch statement?


switch (choiceSwitch)
case 1:
choice = "+";
case 2:
choice = "*";
case 3:
choice = "+";
int result = num1 "choice" num2;

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1 on December 29, 2019

Easiest solution is to create an if-else condition, or another switch statement.
I’m not aware of any other way that would be worth looking into.

on December 30, 2019

Thanks for your reply, I was guessing that might be the case.


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