Sprites Vs Textures

Updated on September 8, 2014 in Unity
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2 on September 7, 2014

Hello   ^_^

What is more efficient….

(this example is 4 units long, texture & sprite are both 100px long)
1 object, with 1 box collider, with a texture tiled 4 times where the texture has to be imported separately?
4 objects, each with a box collider, using a sprite from a sprite sheet?

at the moment the sprite version looks better, but I think that’s just down to lighting.  Obviously the sprites version has more colliders, but if I go for the textures version the textures for different things all have to be separate (as opposed to 1 sprite sheet). I don’t have pro or any plugin things that let me do texture packing.

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1 on September 7, 2014

So I think I have a compromise on this……  1 object with 4 child sprite objects….  1 set of colliders, 1 sprite sheet.   ^_^

on September 8, 2014

I would go for the Sprite sheet, 4 box colliders more shouldn’t be a huge performance problem. ^^ 🙂

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