Screenshot Weekend #1 ~ Evolution

Updated on July 26, 2014 in Showcase
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2 on July 24, 2014

Hey girls and guys.

On the gamedev subreddit there is usually a weekly thread where you can post the progress you make on your projects, in form of Screenshots. Other people can then be amazed or give constructive criticism about your work.

I think, a format like this could be fun here as well. Just, The way I want to do it, is a little bit different. Instead of just having one day where you can show off the progress, you will have that opportunity from Friday to Sunday.

Also, I may or may not specify a topic for each week, which you can follow or just ignore. (Topics can be something like: Show off your GUI or show some special stuff about your game)

Yes, I’m starting this one on a Thursday. Just to give some time to tinker. 😛
(Next one will probably start like next Friday, around 10 AM (GMT+1) or so)

Well then. Go ahead. Take Screenshots. Post them. Get motivated!


This is like a first test of some Isometric Camera. Objects are 3D meshes, just using an Orthographic Camera. Gradient is generated on Runtime. The tree looks a little weird, as does the placeholder diamond. (You can see, I’m no artist.)

I’m not exactly sure, where I want to go with the thing, since I randomly got the idea in my head to mess with some isometric stuff and just created this little scene. Could make a puzzle game, or some isometric platformer. I’ll see.

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  • that1dude27
  • YomanAwe
0 on July 24, 2014

Hey Danny that looks very good, I personally like that style a lot. ^^ 😀

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0 on July 26, 2014

That looks pretty cool! Can’t wait to see more updates for the game in the future! 😀

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