Well , i know most of you in this forum are here because of Brackeys tutorials & so do i .
There’s really big difference between assets and tutorials if anyone dont knows . Assets are supposed to be ready to use as it is to save time and tutorials are for learning , learning something new , understanding concepts , getting a right direction .
In this forum , anyone who is really following tutorials , when they find a issue , they post right type of question and i appreciate that , we all do right ?
But there are some members who are just obsessed to make game and release it & what they do is copy paste and run the code and boom lot of errors . And then they post here , or even some other forums . Just wanna say dont do it . Its worthless . No one will ever able to help you solving the errors.
A forum is community . Its not a classroom were you come show your project and teacher will collect and correct and give grades . A forum is not a paid options , its free . It place were people discuss and try to solve issues . All people in forums are busy doing there own work , but we are humans , we wanna spend some time , so think helping other who stuck might pass there time . And it feels really great when i answer someone & it solves the problem . At some point it makes me rude when you copy and paste and say , ” This is my script . I dont know whats the error ” . You just cant simply copy a tutorial script and ask someone else to study that script for you . Like i said tutorials are meant to learn something . Its knowledge . You should learn it yourself . Its YOU .
Any problem people out there are ready to help but only if you are ready to ask a right type of question !
Just at end wanna say , next time if anyone copy paste i will not explaining anything and will just comment “copy:paste :/ Done” . Just saying before so next time no one complains me being rude .