Punimals – Alpha 1.4 Release: The Five Stages

Updated on January 16, 2016 in  [S] Works in progress
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33 on October 25, 2015

Hello everyone!

Today I’d like to show you a little game I’ve been working on for about two months now, called “Punimals”.

The Concept:
It quite simular to The Binding of Isaac, with the adition of a so called “Unstable Dimension” and a Mana System. For those who are not familiar with The Binding of Isaac; You basically go from area to area fighting several enemies, which are randomly generated. After a said number of rooms is completed you get to the boss room of that “enviroment”. Once said boss is defeated, you are teleported to the next “enviroment”, repeating the progress untill you defeat the ‘Final Boss’. On your way you pick up items which all have unique abilities, ranging from an item that completely changes your movement (i.e.: Portal Minded), to an item that can immobilize every enemy in the area forever (i.e.: Hand of Glory), to a toggled item that can be strategicly used (i.e.: Blink!)
The Features, as of Alpha 1.4:

    • 199 unique items
    • +25 enemies (Unstable not included)
    • 10 bosses (Unstable not included)
    • 6 Personalities
    • 8 Challenges
    • 5 “enivroments” which all feature 25+ rooms
    • Shops and ‘Sacrificial Rooms’
    • 8 Curses and 4 Blessings
    • The “Unstable Dimension”
    • 3 Transformations
    • Cross-build saves (unlocks in version A will still be unlocked in version B)
    • Probably some more things I forgot…

Known Bugs:
The Bookworm unlocks by walking over Little Booklet, even when not actually buying it.
Curse of the Dark Mage randomly switches on and off.
Picking up Soul Shield while there are still enemies in the room will result in negative health regen.
Ghoulse having Donking sounds…?
Graveyard Portals teleporting you back to the Grasslands
Graveyard innaccesable when not in Challenges

The Download:
Current Version: Alpha 1.4 – The Five Stages
Punimals Alpha 1.4 – Manual Install (Windows)
Punimals Alpha 1.4 – Automated Setup (Windows)
Punimals Alpha 1.4 – Manual Install (Mac)
Punimals Alpha 1.4 – Automated Setup (Mac) (thanks to bman463)
I will be trying to update the game every second week

If you are interested in a direct gameplay video, you can watch this video.

But for now, thank you for your attention, and have a good day!

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  • Hwang
  • bman463
  • maxartz15
  • Mizuotaku
  • Fabi
  • +1
1 on October 25, 2015

Hey Snowy, long time no see!
Glad you’re still making games.

Gotta say, looks good so far! Please keep this post updated 😀

on October 26, 2015

It has been a while since I last checked (I have been quite inactive with game dev)
At least now I’m actively working on a game again, and I’m glad to be back c:

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0 on October 25, 2015

Looks good Snowy! Can’t wait to see it come to fruition!

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0 on November 2, 2015

I’ve been working on hardcoding some interactions between several items. And I was thinking, well what would happen if I put ALL those items together in one run (with the exeption of Pure Energy, because it overwrites normal magic). I could explain the result to you, but I’m pretty sure it would be more interseting if you’d see it yourself:
In Punimals, you ARE the Bullet Hell!
Enjoy this short video, as it will be the only glimpse of gameplay you’ll get for a while!

As for other things, the project is coming together very well, but is nowhere near fully finished. And it will probably take a while untill I will get anything productive going on again, as I am addicted to Afterbirth.

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0 on November 13, 2015

Great news everyone! Today (or well, tonight) I have decided to officially release the first demo version of Project Punimals, which you can find here:
.zip Download Link or .exe Setup Download Link
I would love to hear what you guys think of it, as it is my first game to ever be downloadable (and my first game ever to be really playable, for that matter). Other than that: I will be updating the download links now allong with the actual DevBuilds completed, meaning we’ll be shifting over to the Open Alpha stages!

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1 on November 15, 2015

What is the main concept for this game and will I be able to play it on my mac?

on November 15, 2015

Thank you for reminding me of the Mac build! I was under the assumption everyone had Windows, sorry!
The Mac build can be found here: Punimals Demo – Mac Build

The main concept is pretty simular to that of “The Binding of Isaac”, actually:
You play as a charracter (or “Personality”) which goes from area to area, traveling via portals. In each area you’ll face 2-6 enemies. Once a certain number of area’s within an enviroment are counquered, you will be teleported to a boss room (of which there are currently 2 for each area). After defeating said boss, you head to the next enviroment. You are doing this while picking up several items on the way, which can give varying effects; from active items with cooldows (i.e.: Hand of Glory), to stats ups (i.e.: The Wound), to strategic toggles (i.e.: Blink!). What makes the game quite unique is the addition of mana and the so-called ‘Unstable Dimension’. The game is randomly generated (from which and how many items you get, to which enemies or bosses you get) meaning every run will always be different in some way. I won’t go much further into detail about everything, as I wouldn’t possibly want to spoil any secrets, synergies or fun items you’ll find on your way!

If you want a first glimpse of gameplay (spoiling the most broken synergy at that point in development) you can watch this video, if you want to look at any more things, you can visit the Development Blog.

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2 on November 15, 2015

I am personally having downloading issues but I will try to fix it soon!

on November 15, 2015

Ok i got it! It was a firewall problem.

My favorite part of the game right now is the art. Even now there are so many different mobs and bosses, and I like that depth (My favorite is the Rhinorange). I really like the style of art, too. This seems like it will also add a lot of replayability too, which is great.

I personally have not played the Binding of Issac, so this game concept is a little new to me. Personally, I was a little confused when I first started. I know you have the controls on the floor, but I think in the finished game you should have a tutorial so the user can get familiarized with the game. It may just be me though.

But overall, it seems like it will be really fun. Once you perfect the mechanics (I also though movement was a little weird), it will be great, and again I am excited for the depth of the game. Keep working hard, and well done so far!

on November 16, 2015

Thank you so much! I found that a lot of people I personally know that played the game thought the art was very child-ish and not fit for a game, so it feels realy nice to hear someone say they like it! The movement could be a little wierd at first, I admit. As for the tutorial; I would probably not do it, unless a lot of people have difficulty with the game, this is because I always liked the idea of just being thrown into a game without a lot of explanaition.

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1 on November 16, 2015

Loving it! A bit hard or I’m just bad but I am really looking forward to this game!

on November 16, 2015


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1 on November 21, 2015

It’s been almost two weeks since the release of the Demo. Since then I’ve basically been working on the game non-stop. So I am proud to present to you: Alpha Build 1.2
Unlike the Demo, this build features everything that is implemented at this point in development, meaning all the features that are mentioned in the main post at the top.
If you are interested in trying it out; this is the Download link for the Windows Setup, and here is the Download link for the Mac Build.

I will be trying to update the game every second week from now on (which will not work out in the slightest, but I’ll try). If you run into any issues or bugs, please let me know and I’ll start working on a hotfix ASAP!

on November 21, 2015

Cool when I have time I will play it and let you know my thoughts on it, well at least on a design level.

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2 on November 29, 2015

Alpha 1.3 – Kate! has been released! (maybe a little earlier than expected)
-One new challenge added: “The Lovers”
-Two new (Lady) Bugs added
-Level portals suck you in after 10 seconds
-Menu’s have been changed drastically
-Four items have been added:
    -Little Cupid
    -Potion of Love (unlockable)
-Some items were reworked
-Some bugs were squashed
-A lot of balencing to enemies and items

You can download the build here:
Punimals Alpha 1.3 – Automated Install (Windows)
Punimals Alpha 1.3 – Manual install (Windows)
Punimals Alpha 1.3 – Manuall Install (Mac)

on December 9, 2015

Are you using unity?

on December 9, 2015

I am using Unity, yes!

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0 on December 1, 2015

This look really cool.

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