My Game Info ( Ideas ) [z-skyies]

Updated on March 20, 2016 in [D] Game Dev. gossip
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2 on March 20, 2016

So, lately while i was wondering a theme for my game .
Well if you got any ideas tell below 🙂

I was lately reading lot about dragons , pretty interesting topic 😛 . Suddenly i thought  that making cool dragons as my main character for players would be fun  & since i am making mmorpg game and i wanted ideas and ideas so i tried a game on android called as maple story on android .Was pretty great .
Mainly my game will be more about player customization as player levels up & thats why i had to give up using a human character in my game .
[Note: I am not copying or trying to make a game like maple story . Infact i have played this game first time . I used to hear a lot about it ]
Any idea ? I need a theme for players 😛

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  • HunGARE
  • nugiutomo
0 on March 20, 2016

I think you could do something with dragons. Have them be small baby dragons at the lower levels and as the level up the get bigger so they can fly faster and unlock abilities like fire breath. I like the them of having a creature evolve, like a tadpole to a frog (kinda lame though haha).

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0 on March 20, 2016

just looked about maple story.. it’s a good game. And i think you already have a theme if you wanted dragons as your main character. Hope to see it.

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