Hello! Here are some ideas for tutorials I have. Tell me what you think about them!
- 2D & 3D enemy that shoots at the player
- How to make a match-3 game! 😀 (I think this would be great)
- Address easy solutions to common bugs (null reference exception, etc.) (this would be intended for beginners who might have a hard time understanding errors in the console)
- How to prototype game ideas
- Quaternion tutorial, please!!
- An updated version of your course on making a survival game would be greatly appreciated
- I would also love to see more videos like your ten-minute game creation challenge! It was one of my favourite videos 🙂
- Maybe more behind-the-scenes videos of games you have made/are making (not necessarily for Ludum Dare)
- Tips/tricks for brainstorming ideas around a theme?? (not sure about this one)
- Crafting ammo and other stuff (like in newer Tomb Raider games)
- Save points! Like for when you leave the game, then come back and you’re still standing at that tree you were when you turned off the game, etc. (Examples: Tomb Raider campfires, Hollow Knight benches, etc.)
Okay, so I know that was a lot, but, oh well 😛
Thanks for reading!