Moving Wheels 3D

Updated on September 17, 2018 in Answers
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4 on September 13, 2018

How would I make a moving wheel as my character.

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0 on September 14, 2018

Are you trying to do this using the physics engine, or do you just want your character to look like a tire?


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1 on September 14, 2018

I think I would like it to use the physics engine so it would look more realistic and cool.  Would a physics engine work with having something protrude out of the wheel that like an “arm” that can hold things or would I need it to do it your other way?

on September 14, 2018

You’ll have to show me an example of the arm.

But for physics rotation, just add torque:

rb.AddTorque(transform.right * strength);


We add torque around the X axis (right) because that is the axle of the wheel. Strength is just a modifier to move faster or slower, or forward or backwards in the case of negative strength.

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0 on September 17, 2018

Thanks!  I will try that.

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