Looking to Network / Work / Volunteer – Strategy / First Person Games in Unity

Updated on July 2, 2018 in  [C] Commercial
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0 on July 2, 2018

Looking for help on a personal project! Also interested in volunteering on relevant projects which can help me acquire needed skills.


I’m a full stack web developer currently in college who is looking to make some side money making games. My goal is to make a first person MOBA which will encompass RTS elements. I haven’t decided if I want to use Unreal or Unity for the final build, but I’m willing to learn either / both. Unity seems to be the most practical option for me, and as such I’d like to gain as much experience I can. I want the game to have a champion selection system, auto-pathing creeps like in league of legends with conquerable towers that spawn them, and a building system which includes walls and potentially turrets or sandbags for ranged troop cover. I want the game to be first person and therefore similar in nature to Overwatch as well. I’ve already built a FPS engine but need to learn more scripting for the AI and building elements.

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