How to make Offline Multiplayer Game????

Updated on June 2, 2016 in [D] Game Dev. gossip
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10 on May 30, 2016

Hey Whatsup guys.. CAn you Guys make tutorials on offline multiplayer games like “Muffin Knight” OR “BomSquad”.


MuffinKnight GamePlay (Youtube) :
BombSquad (PlayStore) : BombSquad GamePlay (Youtube) :

I want to amke exact game like BombSquad…



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6 on May 30, 2016

Dude what exactly is this. Alright let me try to summarise this a bit.

You want to make a rip of game from another one. By ripping off from some tutorials that we still have to create for you.

First of all ripping of games is never good. Taking some ideas and changing them to fit your needs okay that’s normal. But creating a game that already exists in will probably get you really negative reviews, and you have to risk of being sued for copyright.

Second, using tutorials to learn is good. But using them to create a game without you actually doing anything isn’t to way to go man.

So my tips for you:
1 Get a unique game idea don’t just take a game and create it without any unique ideas.

2 just try to create something use google if you don’t know something or ask it here we are pleased to help you in the right direction

on May 30, 2016

I’m learning this only to make my own different multiplayer games like above  dude…
That only to improve my knowledge about unity multiplayer, Unet….

on May 30, 2016

That’s not what you said in your thread:
“I want to amke exact game like BombSquad…”
You are saying that you want to create exactly the same game as BombSquad.
As well as you said:
“CAn you Guys make tutorials on offline multiplayer games like “Muffin Knight” OR “BomSquad”.” Asking for us to make tutorials so you can make a replica of a released game.

Now I am not saying this is what you meant but that’s what I think you are meaning when reading your thread.

on May 31, 2016

Plzzzz then teach me how to make local bluetooth multiplayer games…..

on May 31, 2016

again it looks like you want to create a game without having to learn anything. If you just start getting the base game and if you get stuck ask the question here we will try to help you but this way isn’t really a good way of learning

on June 1, 2016

how to make system like “Blue wins or Red wins” with their respective colours…
Also to choose player before match….

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1 on June 1, 2016

No exact Game !
Heres the thing – You wanna do something – start with its basics
You played a game which is popular and you wanna be popular by making game then start learning from basics of learning game . Making game is not funny as playing Game , but it can be awesome ! 
You have to apply thousands of logics , give your time and then , you build something playable . When you talk of about multiplayer , you have to give your thrust to make it possible .
Multiplayer games is whole big package of Networking – Designing – Game – And Insane Logics .
Its not necessary , that there should be a blog or video tutorial on everything & it should’nt .

But Anyways you need “Blue Wins and Red Wins” & UNet refer this #!/content/46213″>asset package by Unity

on June 2, 2016

Thanks dude…

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