Hello, I’m Snowy, CEO of Snowic Games.
I’m working on my first game, and I realy want to get it right from the first time, it’s nothing big yet, it includes 4 scenes, with verry small rooms, and a main menu (with thanks to the Brackeys tutorial) but I plan on making it pretty big, but thats in a far future.
I’m acctually looking for some help, I’m looking for a script, or some information, on how to make a loading screen, which will pick a random texture and display it for a couple of seconds, whilist loading a scene in the background. I’m using Unity 4.6 Beta Free, not the Pro version.
Can anybody please help me with this? It’s one of the things on my list I realy want to get done for the next DevBuild. Thanks in advance! (Sorry for some English mistakes, I’m Belgian)