Well, everyone is doing it, so I guess why not…
It all started in late 2011 – damn, that’s a long time ago – when for some reason I got the genius idea to make a YouTube channel to post minecraft videos, like everyone did. And yes, it is needed that I go back this far for the story to make complete sence. It wasn’t going all too well, but I enjoyed what I did at the time.
Via this channel I actually met some ‘friends’ I still talk to ’till this day, and I was skyping with one of those friends when playing some Kerbal Space Program one day. And suddenly, out of the blue, he’s like: “Man, I have this amazing idea!”, so I start recording (without him knowing at first), and he starts saying some improvised stuff about a goose made of snow, whose folk was melted by the sun and he wanted revenge. This goose was named: “Sammy the Snowgoose”. So I got the audiofiles together and made a trailer for it.
This became a mini-project of us – I think we made about 5 episodes together in a timespan over 2 years, you can actually find it on Youtube (it’s in Dutch though). But for some reason – I don’t know why – I really wanted to make a game out of the charracter. So I started looking up tutorials on it.
Being a naive 12-year old at the time, I started looking up JavaScript tutorials to learn the basics of coding. And truth be told, these are probably the reason why I started getting interested in programming.
So I wanted to learn more about game development in specific, so my father (which is not a programmer nor game designer in any way, mind you) recomended me to start learning Visual Basic, so I did. I looked up some tutorials on how to make a game inside Visual Basic, but after about three weeks I got sick of it and realized there were waaaay ‘easier’ ways to make games.
This is where I got introduced to Unity (and by extension; Brackeys). As I was a gamer with a love for indie games, I frequently saw ‘Powered by Unity’ before a game would actually start. And thus I knew I would use Unity for my game. And so I looked up tutorials on how to make a game inside Unity and came across Brackeys. From where I got most my knowledge.
And I started actually making my own game; I had it all planned out in my head, it would be a 2D platformer with a silly atmosphere and a lot of humorous puns. Exept it wouldn’t, because I actually got sick of programming it about a month after I started. So I figured that wasn’t what I wanted to make at all. So I started working on a project called U_AI, a puzzle game all based around Gravity Inversion. In 3D space, with a very Portal-y feel. So I started working on that, but then suddenly, like halfway through the game, I just quit working on it for like half a year. This was in late 2014. After that I got the genius idea to just completely redo the game. And when I was about halfway through the remake, I quit. Again. Not in terms of programming however! No, this is the time I started working on “Punimals”, which was around the end of summer of 2015. And that is where my life on the forums started. With Punimals.
Long story short (tl;dr)
I started making games around 2013, because of a silly thing a friend and I made called “Sammy the Snowgoose”, and I quit game dev for a couple months for like 3 times since then.. Yeah, my life has been weird…
Nowadays though, I must admit I am not all too much into game dev anymore (which is why I am not as active on the forums as I should be, sorry!) I am however fully in love with story writing, which is the reason I still make games; games are one of the best ways to bring a story to an audience, for it is the most interactive of all.
Thank you, if you took the time to read all of this! Now you know where I come from and how my brain works and stuffs! So yeah! Thank you all!