ETA on Updated Forum

Updated on February 24, 2020 in General
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3 on January 30, 2020

Last asked about this back in 2018, the last post I saw about it was August 2019.
For those working on the new forum. Will it realistically be completed and if so is there an ETA?

Maybe as a Brackeys 1M subscriber special (blind optimism)?

If not, it’s all good as I’m not the one making it. But would like to know if I should continue to check back here every month or so for the update. Or if the project is on hiatus/dead.

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0 on January 30, 2020

Also, this is a thing.

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1 on February 1, 2020

We are sorry it is taking such a long time, and sorry there were no updates. So the current state of the forum is that it’s mostly finished. The biggest things that aren’t done yet are mobile support and legal stuff.

We don’t have an ETA and realistically things will continue to be pretty slow in the development. The ones that are working on the forum work on it in their spare time when we feel like it, and vanilla forums isn’t that fun to work with. But recently we had a chat with the Brackeys Team about the forum and what needs to be done, so things *might* speed up a bit.

I will also post this reply in the pinned spam problem thread if anyone in the future is looking for this.

on February 24, 2020

I appreciate the reply. Thank you,

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