Do anyone here good experience with html5 canvas ?

Updated on June 28, 2016 in [A] 2D
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4 on June 28, 2016

I have been lately working working with html5 canvas . I was following this  post for 2d camera movement .

When the camera is position is updated , the canvas context is cleared and drawn again . But when i clear the canvas ( while moving ) there is white grid flickering . If you try the above link and moved you will see the same white flickering again and specific distance

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3 on June 28, 2016

I don’t have the flickering from the above link. What browser are you testing it in?

on June 28, 2016

Its not at start , you have to few pixels ahead . I tested it on chrome and firefox , dev-firefox & safari . Only safari dont showed that flickering .

on June 28, 2016

I updated the position directly to the flicker effect .
You have to see it while moving . (controls : arrows)

on June 28, 2016

Heres my image from my browser from my demo

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