Input fields have an action called OnValueChanged
If in you write a function that takes in a string, and could check it against a predefined list of game objects, you would just call that and pass in the input field text from the OnValueChanged event.
Something like this:
foreach(GameObject go in listOfSearchableGameobjects)
go.SetActive(string.Compare([InputFieldTextGoesHere], <= 0);
string.Compare is something you could use to sort a list of strings alphabetically. If it returns less tan 0, the first string would come before the second one, if it’s 0, they’re the same, greater than 1, the first one would come after the second one.
So here, we’re checking if what you typed in comes alphabetically before the objects name. If you type in “F” this will disable everything that comes before “F”
This way doesn’t disable ones that come after it though, but you could add that with a few extra lines.