Character Customization Tutorial

Updated on January 15, 2019 in Tutorial Ideas
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3 on January 13, 2019

Hey there!

I’ve been trying to look for an exquisite tutorial in instantiating randomly generated characters or objects in Unity. However, after searching throughout the web I am not able to find anything. Any suggestions on where to start or perhaps use this as a new video idea? Much thanks!

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0 on January 13, 2019

That’s very vague. Could you be a little more descriptive of what you’re looking for?

Do you just want random stats?
Random colors or size?
Random model variations?
Random model parts or cloths?

While some of these may have the same general approach, there are vastly different ways of accomplishing it.

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1 on January 14, 2019

Yes all of that sounds great! Especially, the part about changing clothing and model variations.

on January 15, 2019

Then you need to make your model with modular parts.

Then just pick a random number, for each part of the model you want to be randomized.


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