Can i convert unity game to VR game ?

Updated on June 10, 2017 in [C] Intermediate
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3 on June 10, 2017

Hello , all i have followed brackeys “how to make video game series” . The cubethon game . I was wondering if it is possible to convert that game to VR game . It will look so cool .

Currently i was successfully able to use accelorometer in the game and it runs fine on android . Can i convert the game for VR ? . the controls will remain same i.e. tilting the mobile left and right . 


Thanks !!

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1 on June 10, 2017

What is your skill level? I ask this because VR requires knowledge and if you are required to follow a tutorial I don’t think it’s smart to do VR right now.

on June 10, 2017

Hello , yes i am beginner with unity . But i was wondering that it can be easy because controls will be just tilting and game will be shown in half half side by side . ( maybe i am simplifying it a lot not sure ) .

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0 on June 10, 2017


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