BrackeysTV’s third revival. (Hi, I’m back!)

Updated on July 7, 2017 in Unity
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7 on June 26, 2017

Hey guys, it’s Snowy… Yeah, I’m back… (sorry for the inactivity)

We’ve been throwing idea’s around in the Brackeys Forum Discord sever to try and bring back BrackeysTV once again, because that worked out greatly in the past.

I am fairly new here, what is BrackeysTV?
BrackeysTV is the fan-made, community stream we created in January of 2016. The main purpose was to have a few people of the forum stream on there semi-regularly. The streams would involve everything that has to do with game dev. We tried bringing it back… twice. And now we’re trying a third time.

So what will you be doing this time then, Snowy?
Today I’d like to work on In Obscuro 2D (IO2D). I’ll probably be showing off some of the already finished content, and I’ll be mainly focussing on level design and creating puzzles this stream. I will try my best to answer as many questions you may have for me.

That’s pretty neat! When can we expect this?
First of all: Yes. Yes it is. Secondly: I’ll be going live today (that’s 26/06/2017) around 2:00 pm CEST (that’s 12 at noon UTC, and 7:00 am EST).

Great! Where can I watch this stream?
You can find the stream by clicking this link.

There will hopefully be at least one or two more streams in the following weeks. If anyone (who still has permission to do so, including me) were to stream on BrackeysTV as well, they will most likely put that in this post.

Anyway, that’s about it. As always: thanks for your attention, and I hope to see you at the streams!

Disclaimer: BrackeysTV should not be used as a forum. Please keep the amount of programming errors and questions at a minimum in there. Thank you.

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  • maxartz15
  • HunGARE
  • bennie3211
  • Dion Dokter
  • Job
  • +1
0 on June 26, 2017

Uh…who are you…?

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1 on June 28, 2017

I’ll be going live again today on BrackeysTV. (We’re really bringing this back guys)

You can join me today (that’s 28/06/2017) around 2:30 pm CEST (that’s 12:30pm UTC, and 7:30 am EST).

I won’t be working on IO2D this time, but I’ve rather started up a new project solely for the live streams.
You can tune in over at BrackeysTV. Hope to see you there :3

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0 on July 1, 2017

I’m going live (yet again) today on BrackeysTV.

You can join me today (that’s 01/07/2017) around 3:35 pm CEST (that’s 1:35pm UTC, and 8:35 am EST).

I’ll be continuing the work on the new “interactive experience” I’ve code-named Kate!.
You can tune in over at BrackeysTV. Hope to see you there :3

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0 on July 3, 2017

Snowy is about to stream…soon… 

  • Liked by
0 on July 7, 2017

I’m going live again. today on BrackeysTV.

You can join me today (that’s 07/07/2017) around 2:30 pm CEST (that’s 12:30pm UTC, and 7:30 am EST).

I’ll be trying something new out on-stream; I’ll be doing a stream where I’m solely writing the story and dialogue for Kate!. Let’s see how this turns out!
You can tune in over at BrackeysTV. Hope to see you there :3

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