Blend into Unity

Updated on June 13, 2019 in [A] Modeling
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2 on June 6, 2019

Hello everyone, I’m sorry if I d’ont postin the right forum but I need somebody for my project, like just once so I didn’t want to post in collab’. Iwantedto adddice in my project, I have a .blend files but it’s all in one when I export it (I’m not good in 3D). And the mesh won’t add up for a mesh collider. So if anybody can help me to extract it dice by dice (there is like 6 dices) with the mesh, I would be very very grateful. And by the way, i don’t jnow what’s best for sending the blend file, tell me what you prefer


thanks guys, peace

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0 on June 7, 2019

I think I could help you. Send me a link .blend file please.

Do you want them as separate models, or as one .fbx that you could just pull the individual meshes from?


Edit: also, Unity can use .blend files, so depending on how the models are, you may just be able to drop the .blend into Unity and work with that,

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0 on June 13, 2019

Thanks for your reponse, I want to seperate them yes 🙂 I will pm it to you

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