Amazon’s New Game Engine: Lumberyard

Updated on February 10, 2016 in [D] News
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9 on February 10, 2016

So Amazon has just announced the release of their AAA game engine “Lumberyard“. I encourage everyone from Brackeys to take a look at the video and tell me what you think of it. Does it seem like it could be as great as they make it sound, or is it just typical hype? Amazon has always been a leader in innovation, and I trust that they did a great job on this, but is it worth having to relearn a new game engine when I’m already so comfortable in Unity? Do you guys think it’s practical for a small scale game? I’d love to hear your opinions!

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  • HunGARE
0 on February 10, 2016

Yeah, I’ve seen that.
The engine is based on the cryengine. The code you’ll have to write will be in C++.
On thing though, cryengine is not an easy engine. That’s why you don’t see many games with it.
Maybe lumberyard made it easier?

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6 on February 10, 2016

It looks quite interesting, but from the looks of it, they focus a lot on graphical things in the video. And as I’m not interested in high resolution ultra realistic graphics (hell, I’m not even really interested in shaders) I don’t think I’ll switch over to it. Unity works fine for me, it looks easier to use, has decent graphics and, above all else; it doesn’t ask me to learn C++.

But I must agree with Pork; it will hopefully bring a new generation to the field of Game Dev!

on February 10, 2016

But man, shaders can be pretty fun to work on!

on February 10, 2016

You might be right, but let’s be honest… Would you really need shaders in a game where everything is a cube and one single color?

on February 10, 2016

Those cables that turn on, those would have pretty nice effect if you made a shader for it 😀

on February 10, 2016

mhm… Maybe… (Just maybe!) I’ll look into it one day…

on February 10, 2016

i never used shader so , no idea 😉

on February 10, 2016

Oh you use shaders all the time!
Every material needs to have a shader 🙂
Really, they aren’t as frightening as you’d think, especially not surface shaders.

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