Following the guidelines stated below makes the forum more enjoyable for everyone. + it makes my life easier, yay! 🙂
When posting, select the right category for your thread:
General: For announcements and threads which are not related to any specific software or topic.
Answers: For ALL your question posts, remember to select the correct subcategory.
Unity: For threads related to the Unity Engine (questions should still be posted in the Answers category).
Discussions: For debating topics which doesn’t belong under any of the other categories.
Showcase: For sharing your work with the community and getting feedback.
Collaboration: For teaming up with others developers.
Resources: For posting useful resources (assets, tutorials, software, etc.)
Tutorial Ideas: For suggestions about future tutorial topics.
Be specific when posting:
Using proper wording and describing the subject in relevant detail is the key to getting people interested in your thread. That way you can get responses faster.
Create accurate thread titles:
This way you can get more people to visit your thread and it also helps to maintain a clean forum.
Create only one thread per question:
You are able to edit your post, so if you do not receive an answer, revisit your post and see if you can do more to describe the problem accurately. Also remember that not all the users are online at the same time so it might take a little while before you receive an answer.
If you are searching answers to a code-related problem, make sure to follow these guidelines:
– Include the code where the problem arises. Not the entire script, just the portion needed to understand the matter at hand.
– Include error messages, if any.
– Correctly format your code using code tags which are located at the top of the topic text editor. It looks like this: “< >”.
– Let us know what language you are using. Most experienced coders will be able to tell, but sometimes it can make a world of difference.
Search thoroughly before posting:
Use the search field to look for relevant search terms before posting or creating a new thread to see if your topic has already been covered.
Other than that make sure to:
Help other users in need.
Use code tags for your code.
Add relevant pictures to your thread.
Check that the links in your post are working.
Be nice.
And please DO NOT:
Post spam of any kind.
Include words such as “URGENT” or IMPORTANT” in your title.
Use ALL CAPS in your post to catch attention.
Abuse or discriminate other users.
Create off topic threads.
Post content that violates copyright.
Post replies that stray away from the subject of a given thread.
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